
Will These Undercover Videos Change Anything?

What actions are being taken as a result of the #PPSellsBabyParts videos? (No graphic language or images in post) We’ve seen three morally repulsive videos drop in past three weeks from the Center for Medical Progress. Ifyou missed them and … Continue reading

Why a 20 week ban on abortion?

On June 11, 2015, U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham introduced a 20-week ban of abortion bill known as H.R. 3.6., Pain-Capable Unborn Protection Act. This bill would ban abortions done at or after a child reaches 20 weeks old in utero. According … Continue reading

You Have to Pay for Other People’s Abortions?

                 If you’d like to contact your state representative you can find his/her contact information by clicking here. The Illinois House is currently considering House Bill 4013 that will require Illinoisans to pay for other … Continue reading

Illinois Pro-Life Bills To Watch

The following bills have been proposed in the Illinois House of Representatives. Ultrasound opportunity act HB 2701 Chief Sponsor: Representative Barbara Wheeler Background: This bill was sparked after an Illinois woman was refused by an abortion clinic to see her … Continue reading

The Seahawks Weren’t the Only Super Bowl Losers

They traveled to the super bowl with no intention of watching the game to have their bodies sold for sexual pleasure.  While media airways pre-Super Bowl echoed with disgust over the #DeflateGate controversy, the post-Super Bowl hot topic will no … Continue reading

How the March for Life Chicago inspired the nation

The double decker buses have been parked and our hoarse voices have returned to full strength as March for Life Chicago signs slowly slip behind shelves in the garage. On January 18th, 4,000 Illinoisans (and Wisconsinites and Hoosiers) set out … Continue reading

Illinois Abortion Statistics Lowest Since 1974

On November 25, 2014, the Illinois Department of Public Health released the 2013 abortion statistics for the state of Illinois. The report shows Illinois abortions fell 5.7% in 2013 to their lowest rate since 1974 with 40,750 abortions. Abortions in … Continue reading

40 Days for Life Spring 2015 Campaign

Over the last 7 years of 40 Days for Life, 9,699 children were spared from abortion, 107 abortion clinic workers quit, 60 abortion clinics were closed, 650,000 people have participated in 27 different countries. Your presence, in a peaceful, prayer, … Continue reading

Welcome to Chicago, Bishop Cupich

On Saturday, September 20, 2014, the Archdiocese of Chicago officially announced Bishop Cupich of Spokane, Washington, would become the new Archbishop of Chicago to succeed Francis Cardinal George. Illinois Right to Life welcomes with excitement and respect the new Archbishop … Continue reading