Every year, we comb through thousands of bills proposed in the Illinois General Assembly. We then work with voters and political leaders to pass pro-life laws and stop bills that expand abortions and promote hastened deaths for the elderly. We understand it’s difficult sometimes to track all legislation affecting the pro-life movement, so we do it for you and can alert you to the pro-life position on these bills.
As the largest pro-life, educational organization in Illinois, we are the “go-to” resource for reliable and credible information on life-related issues in our state. Therefore, it is also our mission to continuously educate the public and our elected officials through compiling and presenting the latest scientific facts, medical findings, and statistics on such topics. We are always available as a resource to you, and we would like to keep you informed and updated on the status of abortions and other life-related issues in your district and our state at large.
If you have any requests for additional research, data, and resources, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will be happy to provide you with the information you need. Email [email protected] or call 312.422.9300.
In the meantime, here are some programs and information you may also find helpful:
Thank you for your service to the people of Illinois.