WARNING: Images of aborted babies are extremely disturbing, and you may not wish to view them. If you or your significant other have had an abortion, we strongly recommend that you do not proceed any further.
Please do not click through to see the graphics if you are not prepared to view them.
View pictures of aborted babies HERE.
Some of the first images of aborted children (including some shown when you click the link above) were of children aborted right here in Chicago.
Years ago, concerned maintenance personnel told pro-life leaders that aborted babies were being thrown in the garbage by the abortion clinic.
Pro-life leaders checked the garbage and were horrified to find over time thousands of aborted children in the trash. They removed the aborted children, took pictures to document the violence against them and, with the help of the Catholic Church, buried over 2,000 aborted children at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside, Illinois.