
“Planned Parenthood Exposed” House Judiciary Committee Hearing

Tomorrow, Wednesday September 9, 2015, at 10:30am (Eastern Time), the House Judiciary Committee will conduct the first congressional hearing on Planned Parenthood. The hearing’s title will be “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion … Continue reading

DePaul University’s Relationship with Planned Parenthood

Earlier this week, DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois was cited for offering “volunteering opportunities” with Planned Parenthood. An article, written by TFP Student Action, provided screen shots from DePaul’s website, showing Planned Parenthood listed as a place to volunteer on … Continue reading

Women Speak Out Press Conference at Senator Mark Kirk’s Office

Today, September 3rd, 2015, at 12pm, 10 pro-life organizations, their leaders and pro-life individuals gathered for a press conference on the front steps of U.S. Senator Mark Kirk’s Chicago Office. Senator Mark Kirk recently voted against a bill to defund … Continue reading

Nationwide Protest a Huge Success

  Saturday, August 22, 2015, is a day the pro-life community will never forget. Tens of thousands of advocates for life rallied across the country in unified protest of the inhumane and illegal practices of the Planned Parenthood Federation. The … Continue reading

National Day of Protest

On August 22, 2015, pro-life citizens from all across the nation are rallying together at over 300 Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the United States. ProtestPP, an association formed from the union of various pro-life groups, has designated this day as … Continue reading

IRL Speaks at All Lives Matter Summit

Illinois Right to Life executive director Emily Zender spoke at the All Lives Matter Summit hosted by the Freedoms Journal Institute on July 31, 2015. Zender spoke on the future of the pro-life movement and shared heart wrenching and inspiring … Continue reading

IRL Statement on Mark Kirk’s Planned Parenthood bill

Late Wednesday, August 5, 2015, Senator Mark Kirk issued a press release detailing a new bill he has filed in the U.S. Senate. This bill calls upon the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood and shows support for defunding … Continue reading

Illinois Rep. Breen Files Bill to Stop Fetal Body Part Harvesting

A press release was just disseminated from Representative Breen’s (R-48) office included the following: “SPRINGFIELD…..In response to controversial videos that have surfaced surrounding the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts and tissue, State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard) has … Continue reading