On Saturday, September 20, 2014, the Archdiocese of Chicago officially announced Bishop Cupich of Spokane, Washington, would become the new Archbishop of Chicago to succeed Francis Cardinal George. Illinois Right to Life welcomes with excitement and respect the new Archbishop of Chicago.
Bishop Cupich has shown firm support of the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion that he calls “a crime that involves the taking of innocent human life without any regard for due process.”
During his tenure as Archbishop of Spokane, Bishop Cupich encouraged the priests in his diocese to teach their parish communities on abortion while “always demonstrating solidarity with vulnerable women.”
“The state and its leaders have not only a responsibility but also a vested interest in defending the sacredness and value of every human life,” Bishop Cupich’s also continued.
Illinois Right to Life welcomes Bishop Cupich to his new position and looks forward to the wisdom and leadership he will add to the pro-life conversation that is full of many great religious and civic Illinois leaders.
We recognize and thank Francis Cardinal George for his years of dedicated service to supporting women in unplanned pregnancies and encouraging Chicagoans to hold a greater love for all human life from conception through natural death.
Illinois Right to Life is not a Catholic organization but recognizes the importance of all religious and civic leaders in our efforts to end the suffering that abortion causes women, their families, and their unborn children.