Today, the U.S. House of Representatives just passed two major pro-life bills:
1. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act:
This bill strengthens the current Born Alive Infant Protection Act, passed in 2002. Specifically, it has placed the following requirements on any health care practitioner who is present when a child is born alive following an abortion:
- The unborn child must be given the same degree of care as any other child born alive.
- The child must be immediately admitted to the hospital.
In addition, a health care practitioner or any other employee is required by law to immediately report any failure to abide by these provisions.
The bill has laid the following penalties for anyone who violates this law:
- Criminal prosecution for murder for anyone who kills a child born alive.
- Five years in prison for anyone who violates the provisions of the Act.
The vote passed 248-177. Illinois’ Democratic Congressman Lipinski voted in favor of the bill. All other congressmen voted along their party lines (Republicans – yes/ Democrats – no).
Illinois’ Congressman Roskam said, “We ought to be able to agree on this…we’re talking about people who are born, who are breathing, whose hearts are pumping, whose fingers are twitching, who have full feeling, and deserve every benefit of the doubt and every protection of the law.” You can view his full statement here.
2. The Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015:
This bill has placed a “freeze” on Planned Parenthood’s federal funding for 1 year, while the investigation into Planned Parenthood continues. Their funding will remain cut for the entire year, unless Planned Parenthood stops performing abortions.
The vote passed 241-187. Illinois’ Republican Congressman Robert Dold voted against this bill, while Illinois’ Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski voted for it. All other Illinois Congressmen voted along their party lines.
Illinois’ Congressman Hultgren provided a statement on his vote in favor of the bill today. You can read it here.
Also to note: On September 15th, three days before the House held its vote on the bill to defund Planned Parenthood, Illinois’ Congressman Dan Shimkus, senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, called for an end to Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding in a press conference at three Planned Parenthood locations in Illinois.
(Photo Credit: Congressman Shimkus https://shimkus.house.gov/)
Congressman Shimkus stressed the important fact that women have many other, more beneficial health care options and alternatives than Planned Parenthood. He said,
“Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Centers generally offer a wider range of health care services to women and new mothers than Planned Parenthood, including mammograms as well as prenatal and perinatal services…There are just 18 Planned Parenthood locations in Illinois, but more than 40 federally-funded health centers in the state where women can access all the same health care services except abortions.”
(Photo Credit: Congressman Shimkus https://shimkus.house.gov/)
Upcoming: Next week, the Senate is supposed to vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, or the 20 Week Ban as early as Tuesday. You can visit our page and stay tuned to our blog to hear more information.