The 2016 March for Life Chicago, the largest pro-life event in the Midwest, is coming soon, and we really need your help!
Last year, 4,000 pro-lifers streamed through the streets of downtown Chicago to stand for life in the largest Chicago March for Life ever.
Emily Zender, President of the Board, says, “With last year’s momentum, we are planning for the largest crowd ever!” This year, on January 17th, we are expecting DOUBLE the number of marchers.
The March for Life Chicago costs over $15,000 each year to host. We have raised over 75% of the costs, but still need support. We can’t move forward without raising $3,000 TODAY.
Will you chip in so we can make this a success? With your help, we can make sure that the March continues for another year. Here’s what you can do:
1. Give:
We need to raise $3,000 today, so more people than ever will see and hear the pro-life message through the 2016 March for Life Chicago.
2. Share:
Share our fundraising campaign on your status to friends on social media. We’ll be updating our Facebook page throughout the day!
The March for Life Chicago has an enormous and powerful impact on our nation as people of from different locations, faiths, and cultures gather together in support of life. Did you know…
- The March for Life Chicago saved two babies!
- In 2015, the March reached an estimated 600,000 people, through media coverage alone, with our message of life, love, and hope.
- The March has inspired communities throughout the nation to host their own marches for life.
- The number of marchers has increased from 200 to 2,000 to 4,000, and now is expected to reach 10,000. More and more people are having the opportunity to proudly display their pro-life values.
- The March for Life Chicago is the largest pro-life event in Illinois, and you can make it happen!
Remember, small things can make a big difference. We need $3,000 today to bring the March for Life Chicago back in 2016!
Will you donate today’s morning latte, tonight’s ticket to the movies, or tomorrow’s take-out, for Life?