Mark your calendars!
The 2018 March for Life Chicago is around the corner.
And this is no walk through the park…
This is the LARGEST pro-life event in the Midwest!
Every year, near the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion) thousands of pro-lifers from diverse ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds come together and immerse the city streets of downtown Chicago. They come to march in commemoration of the many innocent lives lost after this decision, and also to share a message of love for life, hoping to one day reclaim for our state and our nation the respect that all life deserves.
But if you come, don’t expect to see somber faces. You’ll surely be overwhelmed by the boisterous joy, smiles, songs, (lots of yellow) and love for life emanating from the crowd.
Just check out this cool new promo vid:
Here are the details for the next March for Life Chicago:
When: Sunday, January 14, 2018; 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Where: Federal Plaza, 50 W. Adams St., Chicago, IL
Who: You, me, and everyone who loves LIFE.
Why: MFLC Mission Statement:
We mark with deep sadness the great tragedy of the legalization of abortion in the United States along with the devastating social, moral, and legal consequences that have followed.
Marching together in hope, we call upon religious, civic, and community leaders to renew every effort to build a nation that affirms the authentic dignity of women, the gift of children, and a culture dedicated to protecting life at every stage of development.
For more information and to check out the awesome line-up of speakers this year, visit: www.MarchForLife-Chicago.org