Today, the American Civil Liberty Union of Illinois’ announced that two pro-abortion bills will be introduced to the state legislature this week. Lawmakers sponsoring the proposed legislation aim to repeal the Illinois Abortion Law 1975 and the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995. The legislation is similar to bills recently introduced in New York and Virginia.
“I have never seen such anti-life boldness as I’ve seen today,” said Ralph Rivera, legislative chairman for Illinois Right to Life Action. “They have no shame in looking to devise more ways to kill unborn babies.”
The Reproductive Health Act aims to repeal the original abortion legislation that was written and passed in 1975. The Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act, which pro-abortion legislators are seeking to repeal, requires physicians to notify a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian of an underage girl forty-eight hours before performing an abortion – an invasive surgical procedure. Prior to our law going into effect, Illinois was the only State in the Midwest without a parental notice or consent law in effect.
“The bills that will be introduced this week are consistent with pro-abortion bills that we have seen across the country, and are part of a national attempt to solidify abortion access in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned. To be frank, these legislators are over-playing their hand,” said Mary Kate Knorr, spokesperson for Illinois Right to Life Action. “This legislation is extreme and polling over many years has shown very clearly that such legislation is unpopular with the American people. Legislators will suffer the consequences of voting for these bills in future elections.”
The American Civil Liberties Union, Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood, and other abortion activist groups held a press conference, announcing the new bills. In their press release, it’s noted that the introduction of this legislation follows the release of report from Governor Pritzker’s transition team, which placed special emphasis on repealing the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 and the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995. This also follows Governor Pritzker’s executive mandate to enforce the HB40 and his aim to make Illinois the “most progressive state in the nation” on abortion.
For more information on Illinois Parental Notification, click here.
For more information on conditions in women’s abortion clinics, click here.
For more information on different abortion procedures, click here.