The word is out. HB40 has hit Governor Rauner’s desk.
Pro-life people and concerned Illinoisans who do not want their tax dollars going to pay for free abortions are speaking out in droves and calling on the governor to keep his promise and veto this terrible legislation.
And they are not alone…
Now, the ENTIRE Illinois GOP delegation is speaking up.
On September 27, 2017, our pro-life congressmen to Governor Bruce Rauner detailing the devastation HB40 will cause to our state if he signs and asking him to veto it.
If you would like to see a copy of the letter, click here.
In their communication, they write:
“This bill would require taxpayers to subsidize abortions covered by Medicaid and for those covered by state employee health insurance through the full nine months of pregnancy. This includes painful late-term abortions, even past the point at which some children could survive outside the womb if given appropriate care.”
They continue, stressing the economic impact:
“Under HB 40, there is no cap on the number of abortions that could be covered under Medicaid and no cap on the amount of taxpayer dollars spent on these procedures. Current estimates of cost to the State range from $1.8 million to $21 million. While Illinois faces crisis, it is unwise to place such a burden on the taxpayer.”
This bill is clearly out-of-touch with American values and policies, and they point this out:
“Illinois state policy has been consistent with federal protections such as the Hyde Amendment which prohibits federal funding for abortion. The Hyde Amendment saves lives – at least 2 million people are alive today thanks to 40 years of Hyde Amendment protections. This bill is an egregious step away from those protections by requiring public funding for abortions, which will surely result in more lives lost to the tragedy of abortion.”
They conclude their letter stating:
“While the political pressure may feel extreme, we respectfully ask you to focus on the underlying issue and not waiver on your commitment to protect taxpayers as well as the most vulnerable members of our community. We ask you to veto this harmful legislation.”
We personally thank these leaders for speaking out on behalf of pro-lifers and Illinois citizens statewide! It is so great to see our legislators stand so strongly for life!
The passionately pro-life leaders who sent this letter are:
Congressman Peter J. Roskam (6th District)
Congressman John Shimkus (15th District)
Congressman Randy Hultgren (14th District)
Congressman Adam Kinzinger (16th District)
Congressman Rodney L. Davis (13th District)
Congressman Mike Bost (12th District)
Congressman Darin LaHood (18th District)