We need your help, and fast.
Our lobbyists in Springfield have reason to believe the extreme abortion bills, introduced earlier this year in the Illinois House and Senate, will make a comeback this week.
In light of the pro-life legislation that was passed and signed in Alabama and Georgia, the abortion lobby is working harder than ever to solidify its hold on Illinois.
We need you to get back on the phone and call your state representatives in the House immediately, telling them to vote NO on these dangerous bills.
Before you do, here are two very important things you should know:
1.) If these bills are revived, our lobbyists believe this is how they’ll do it: they will find another bill, remove language from it, and replace it with the abortion bill language.
For example, this other bill could be a Senate bill in the House, that’s already passed the Senate, and could be heading for a vote.
If this is the route they choose to take, we could have as little time as 24 hours to make an impact. We must act fast.
2.) Since these bills will most likely be included in other bills, it’s important that we call them by name when telling our representatives to vote against them.
We want our representatives to vote NO on the:
Parental Notice of Abortion Repeal and the
Late-Term Abortion No Restrictions Bill.
To learn more about these dangerous bills, go to www.StopHB2495.com.
Find your state representative here.
The time to act is now.
Thank you for your help!