Backstage at the National March for Life

Stepping onto the stage and gazing out at thousands upon thousands of applauding people as far as the eye can see is not only indescribable, but also incredibly humbling.

At the National March for Life in Washington D.C. this past weekend I had the honor of going to represent Illinois Right to Life and, because of this, gained backstage access. In years past, I’ve gone to the March with groups from my church or my school. I’ve chaperoned high schoolers and watched their faces light up as they saw the thousands of people standing with them. This year, however, was a whole different kind of experience. This year I had the opportunity to meet people who have been working their whole life to end abortion and who now have the hope that the end of Roe v. Wade is in sight.

So, who were some of the pro-life leaders of our country I got to meet backstage? 

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, was there. Besides running Priests for Life, he also is the Pastoral Director of Rachel’s Vineyard and an author of various books.

Abby Johnson was also there, with her enthusiastic personality and stories to share. Alveda King- civil rights activist and niece of Martin Luther King- showed up to defend and protect the rights of the unborn.

Sitting with these pro-life leaders, these people who have spent years, decades fighting for the rights of the pre-born, made me realize how many devoted people there truly are in the pro-life movement.

Here are Illinois Right to Life we want to be those people who devote our lives to fighting for the unborn, and if Roe v. Wade is overturned we are going to be needed even more in Illinois. Illinois is going to be an abortion haven for women across the midwest- from states such as Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, and Wisconsin that have stricter abortion laws.

There’s no better year than 2022 to get involved in the fight of our lives: the fight for rights for all humans! Do you want to learn how? Sign up for our newsletter at and there will be so many opportunities for you to join with us and use the talents you have to make a difference!