Yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted to open a debate on the healthcare repeal and replacement bill. This vote to begin the debate was 51-50, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking the tie.
Today, according to reports, the U.S. Senate voted against a proposal that would defund Planned Parenthood and repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act.The vote was 45-55. The Senate may now vote on a “skinny repeal” to undo parts of the Affordable Care Act. This final bill MUST still include provisions to defund Planned Parenthood and stop our tax dollars from going to health insurance plans that cover abortions.
It is imperative that you call your senators and respectfully tell them:
– I expect you to defund Planned Parenthood
– I expect you to stop our tax dollars from going to healthcare plans that pay for abortions
As you read this, Planned Parenthood is fighting for its life. They are going to pull out every trick in the book to try and get those two parts of the healthcare bill taken out.
We cannot allow it.
We must tell our pro-life majority senators to hold the line – it’s time to start saving babies. It is important that even the pro-abortion Senators feel the full strength of the pro-life movement as these two huge bills are being considered.
Here’s their contact information:
Senator Tammy Duckworth
Senator Richard Durbin
Please call.