Test Action Page

SB 1564 – Detrimental to Healthcare Providers and Patients

SB 1564, as amended by Senate Amendment 3, undermines the conscience protections of healthcare providers inviting intimidation and legal action against pro-life healthcare providers and threatening the core mission of pregnancy resource centers that offer women alternatives to abortion.


Under current Illinois law, healthcare providers, including pro-life pregnancy centers, are able to opt-out of participating in or referring for legal medical services, such as abortion, that they find morally objectionable.

That freedom is under attack.

SB 1564, as amended by Senate Amendment No. 3, would undo the strong conscience protections for health care providers that Illinois currently has in place. The bill would require providers to tell patients about “legal treatment options” and “benefits of treatment options.”  In addition, all providers who do not provide the service requested by a patient must refer, transfer or provide in writing a list of facilities where the provider “reasonably believes” the patient will be able to obtain the service.

In other words, every doctor, pharmacist and pro-life pregnancy center in the state will have to help a woman obtain an abortion whenever asked.

This is unacceptable. You can help us stop it.

Step 1: Use the info below and contact your senator and tell them to oppose SB 1564

–          Call – find your Senator at http://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/

–          Email – You can reach your senator using this link: https://secure3.convio.net/aulact/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=881

Step 2: Tell 5 friends to do the same

Other options:

Write a letter to the editor

Contact your pastor or priest

Step 3. If you or someone you know, works for a pregnancy center, is a physician or other healthcare provider and would like more information on how this bill will directly affect you and how you can help stop it, please contact Illinois Right to Life at 312-422-9300 or [email protected].

Background: AUL Statement on IL SB 1564 v3