They Say You Say
I’m pro-life, because I have seen the hurt and the pain that abortion has caused women. I’ve dried their tears while counseling them. I’ve been there for them as they felt broken after their abortion.
One woman said she can’t use the hand dryer in the ladies room because it makes the same noise that the abortion machine made as it vacuumed out her unborn child. Another woman I found crying at a party because something had triggered the memory of her abortion. Another came to us after suffering for 40 years because she said she hid the pain, never told anyone how much abortion was destroying her on the inside. She stayed in an abusive relationship, used drugs and alcohol to cover up the pain.
Women who have had abortions – they deserve to feel whole again. But, knowing how much pain it puts them through, I could never recommend abortion for anyone of my friends or my sister. Studies all across the world support these experiences, showing that women who have had abortions have an increased risk of breast cancer, suicidal attempts, drug and alcohol abuse. They feel great pain from the abortions. That’s why I could never support abortion.
And the second reason why I’m pro-life is because of science.
At the moment of conception, an unborn child’s hair-color, eye-color, and gender have all be determined. At conception, a child’s DNA is completely unique from its mother’s and will never again be repeated in the history of the world. At 21 days, before most women know their pregnant, the baby’s heart is beating, and at 16 weeks, that unborn child can hiccup in the womb. At 20 weeks, the unborn child can begin to feel the pain of being dismembered by that abortion, and at 22-24 weeks is when the unborn child can begin to survive outside the womb.
So I’m pro-life because abortion hurts women, and because of science.