We have an urgent request:
Please fill out a witness slip again and then call your state senator.
One of the extreme and dangerous abortion bills is now being pushed through the Illinois Senate, and we need to stop it.
SB 1594 – Parent Notice Abortion Repeal – is the Senate version of HB 2467.
By repealing the IL Parental Notice of Abortion law, this bill would allow an underage girl to get a surgical abortion without her parents knowing anything about it.
(To learn more about this bill, click here.)
Two weeks ago, abortion advocates tried to push this bill, along with the other extreme abortion bill – HB 2495, through the Illinois House.
All the witness slips, phone calls, and emails you made against these bills contributed to the fact that they were both put in the Informed Consent Subcommittee.
But now the battle moves to the Senate, and we MUST act now.
SB 1594 has been scheduled for a hearing next Tuesday, March 19th, at 1pm.
We need you to fill out a WITNESS SLIP right now to show the committee chair you oppose SB 1594.
It is very important that we have THOUSANDS of witness slips from our people, all over the state, in opposition to this dangerous bill.
This will send a strong message that pro-lifers are ready to fight hard against this kind of legislation. But we have only a few days.
To fill out your witness slip for SB 1594, click here.
IMPORTANT: The next part is very simple, but be sure to fill it out carefully. For each section, make the following selections:
Fill in your contact information in the form.
Firm/Business or Agency: “(enter your organization)”
Title: “(enter your title)”
Note: If you are not a member of a business/agency, you can put “On behalf of self.” If you do not have a title, you can put “NA.” For “Representation” you can write “Illinois voter.”
Select “Original Bill” drop down box
Select “Opponent”
Select “Record Of Appearance Only”
Select “I Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement”
Click “Create Slip” on the right side.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Then, you can find your state senator here and then give them a call, telling them to vote NO on SB 1594.
Thank you for all your help! Please share this with your family and friends.