Guess what.
The Heart2Heart Program, our new pro-life educational program for high school students, was just granted a qualified endorsement from the Diocese of Joliet.
This is big news!
They watched all the videos, looked through all the materials, and thoroughly reviewed everything…and they love it!
Here’s what they said:
“The dynamic Heart2Heart Educational Program explores truth through compelling and diverse testimonies which expose the devastation of the culture of death and reveal the beauty of the culture of life. This valuable resource assists teachers and youth group leaders who seek to help young people discover why embracing life changes the world. Due to the diversity of presenters, not every spoken line expresses a full understanding of the Church’s teachings on life. Educators, however, can use this opportunity to dive into the depths of the Catholic Church’s profound teaching on the sacredness of life.”
The videos are available to watch here so educators know exactly what their students will be viewing in the pro-life presentation.
This way educators can pick the video best suited to touch the hearts of their students.
We need to get the word out to all our high school teachers about the Heart2Heart Program, and we need your help.
Please call the high school in your area and let them know that they NEED to be using Illinois Right to Life’s Heart2Heart Program!
They can find all the videos, educational materials, and everything they need at www.Heart2HeartEdu.org. And the best part about it – it’s FREE.
(Catholic and Christian based high schools may be more receptive, but our public school students need it too.)
We have everything you need to know about the program, right here:
Are you a parent? Click here.
Student? Click here.
Teacher or administrator? Click here.
Pastor or church leader? Click here.
Pro-life advocate who wants to learn more? Click here.
With your help, we can build the next pro-life generation.
Please spread the word. Call your local high school today.