24 hours ago, Governor Rauner broke his promise and signed a bill into law that forces all Illinoisans to pay for free abortions for those on Medicaid and state employee health insurance, through the full nine months of pregnancy and for any reason, even when science says the unborn child can feel pain and survive outside the womb.
The moral and political fallout has been HUGE.
“We are absolutely devastated and heartbroken that our Governor went back on his promise and signed the extremely out-of-touch, abortion-expanding bill, HB40,” said Rosemary Hackett, President of Illinois Right to Life.”
“Right now, Illinois Right to Life and pro-life advocates throughout Illinois can only feel betrayed and deeply saddened for the thousands of additional unborn babies’ lives that will be lost each year because of Governor Rauner’s action.”
“We are beyond disappointed that our governor is willing to ignore the voices of his state’s citizens and every member of his political party, and expand abortion in Illinois at taxpayer expense.”
We want every Illinoisan to know exactly the impact this horrific law will have and who made it all possible.
And we are not the only ones…
Here are just a few fiery samples of the public outrage and repudiations that took place yesterday:
“I’ve heard Rauner promise the people of Illinois that he had “no social agenda” and as such firmly commit to legislators, the public, and even to Chicago’s Cardinal, Blaise Cupich, that he would veto taxpayer funding of abortions. But he has now broken that commitment, signing a bill that puts taxpayers on the hook to pay for an expected 20,000-30,000 aborted lives per year. And without any source of funding, in the throes of an unbalanced budget. Now, I’ve come to expect politicians to shade the truth, but what’s clear today is that Rauner’s promises were just flat out lies.”
He later continued,
“I can no longer support him. And whether or not they are able to agree publicly, I know hundreds of elected Republicans, along with hundreds of thousands of Republican voters, who feel the same way I do.”
“The Governor’s decision to break his promise and sign taxpayer funded abortion on-demand is a profound and unprecedented betrayal beyond words. This is a tragic day for everyone who values the sanctity of life. The Governor’s action today makes Illinois the first state in country to mandate taxpayer funding of abortion under Medicaid at any time, for any reason as a result of signing legislation into law. This is a total failure of leadership.”
“Governor Bruce Rauner gave us his word in the Spring that he would veto this legislation if it were sent to him. In the last several weeks, as he indicated a reconsideration of that position, Republican legislators and allies offered to accept an Amendatory Veto, but he rejected those ideas. If this legislation is really about the right to choose – then what about my constituents who deserve to have the right to choose not to have their tax dollars used to fund the killing of unborn children? This is a tragic day for Illinois.”
“Words cannot express my profound disappointment of the Governor’s decision to sign House Bill 40, which dramatically expands taxpayer funded abortions across the state. Taxpayers should not be forced to fund something as controversial and culturally divisive as abortions. Likewise, there is no good reason for taxpayers to be on the hook for someone else’s personal decision. There was a public commitment made by the Governor to veto this bill. His flip-flopping on this issue raises serious questions on whether the Governor’s word can be trusted on other matters.”
Representative Allen Skillicorn:
“Today, after promising not to do so, Governor Rauner signed HB40 into law–a bill that forces taxpayers to fund abortions. There are many things this law will ensure. It will ensure that Illinois taxpayers will be paying $30M more in Medicaid they cannot afford. It will ensure that thousands of babies will be aborted. It will ensure that no one will trust the commitments made by this Governor. And, finally, it will ensure that Rauner serves only one-term.”
“For years, the Governor campaigned as a candidate who would “shake up Springfield” by focusing on the financial disaster that this state had become… and still is. He said that we would leave the social issues alone and focus on what needs to be done to fix this state economically and grow jobs to make Illinois a better place to live and work. Most tragically HB 40 will increase abortions. We try so hard to value and preserve life at all stages, yet this bill makes it easier to dismiss the innocent unborn who are our future…and it will cost the state more money. The Governor promised to veto HB 40 in the public, in the press, and in private. I am extremely disappointed in the Governor’s actions in supporting this bill, in deceiving so many about his goals as Governor, and in his outright lie about this bill.”
Brian Burch, President of CatholicVote.org:
“Gov. Bruce Rauner made a promise to the voters of Illinois that he would focus on the fiscal mess in Illinois and remain neutral on social issues. Many Republican and conservative voters took him at his word and helped him win election in 2014. Given his decision today to authorize taxpayer funding for abortion for any reason, he can no longer be trusted and should step down as Governor.
He later continues,
“Republicans deserve an honest leader willing to stand with them. Catholics across the state in both political parties want and voted for reform. Governor Rauner just proved he is not up to the task.”
“I reminded him of the promise and also my statement earlier thanking him for that. He did break his word. He broke his word to the people, especially those who have continued to speak on behalf of the vulnerable child in the womb.”
“Last April, Governor Rauner publicly promised that he would veto HB40 should it reach his desk. Today, without apology or adequate explanation, he broke that promise.”
They later continue:
“We elected the Bruce Rauner we were sold in twenty-fourteen: a political outsider and Conservative Reformer with “no social agenda.”
And here’s the zinger:
“No Conservative Reform Governor has ever done so much for the liberal agenda. The Illinois GOP needs to condemn the man and the bill with the tenacity and urgency with which they would oppose any other pro-choice, big government Democrat. We have been complicit for far too long.”
The Governor was even supposed to attend the Southwest Cook County GOP Picnic tomorrow…but Cook County GOP Chairman Sean Morrison said,
“In lieu of Thursday’s bill signing, it was agreed that the governor’s attendance would only serve as a distraction to our goal of a Republican family values event.”
Morrison continued,
“I am very disappointed in Governor Rauner’s decision to sign HB 40. Illinois taxpayers should not be funding abortions. No matter your political views, allowing taxpayer dollars to fund abortions – especially for a state like Illinois which is billions and billions of dollars in debt – is an unacceptable use of taxpayer money.”
… looks like the party is off for the Governor.
These are just a few samples. The betrayals, the outrage, and backlash continue…