In 2021, State Representative Suzanne Ness along with 61 other members of the Illinois House, voted to repeal our Parental Notice of Abortion law. This means middle and high school girls aged 17 and younger can now receive abortions without clinics even notifying a parent or guardian.
Our daughters and grandaughters are now at the mercy of human traffickers and sexual predators who can cover their crimes with abortion. Representative Ness told the parents of these girls they don’t have the right to be involved in their daughters’ health care.
Also in 2021, Representative Ness voted to mandate an explicit sexual education curriculum in Illinois public schools.This explicit curriculum is designed to hyper-sexualize children beginning in Kindergarten then normalize abortion and other services provided by some abortion providers, including medication and procedures for children who believe they are transgender.
Lobbyists from groups like Planned Parenthood and Personal PAC are pushing for legislation that would allow non-physicians like midwives and nurse practitioners to perform surgical abortions. Legislation that would allow midwives to perform abortions in Illinois has been introduced and may be taken up during the Veto Session this November.
Current law specifically forbids midwives from performing complicated surgeries like abortion. But, at the expense of our daughters’ health and safety, abortion advocates want to make an exception for abortion.