All are invited to join us for a panel discussion on the connection between pornography, human trafficking, and abortion. For your convenience, this event will take place at two different locations.
Our executive director, Mary Kate Knorr, will moderate a panel of experts in the discussion of the unaddressed connections between porn, human trafficking, and abortion, and why Catholics in the Chicago area should be particularly concerned with all of the above.
Mary Kate has been our executive director since March of 2018. In her two years of working here, Mary Kate has spoken before thousands on the need for abortion restrictions in Illinois. She has presented to law and medical students at Northwestern University and to undergraduates at the University of Chicago, where she debated Professor Geoffrey Stone, who was a clerk on the U.S. Supreme Court when Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.
Kelly Dore, executive director of the National Human Trafficking Survivor Coalition, is a survivor of familial trafficking from ages 1-14 and testified against her trafficker when she was 16. Kelly recently formed the National Human Trafficking Survivor Coalition with other professional survivors to help advocate, educate, and raise awareness to the degree of sex and labor trafficking in Colorado and throughout the nation. Kelly owns a counseling practice, is a businesswoman, and a former Legislator from Colorado who has worked extensively in the field of human trafficking and uses her life experiences to create awareness, educate communities, track legislation, and help create new laws to support victims of human trafficking.
Dan is a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Chicago at Mundelein Seminary. He is in his third year of theological studies for the priesthood after experiencing a profound reversion to Catholicism in college. As part of his studies and pastoral work, he has become increasingly aware of the rampant consumption of pornography in society today, as well as the destructive effects it is having on men, women, and their relationships. Not only does he desire to bring greater awareness to the dangers and addictiveness of pornography, but he is extremely passionate about helping men break free of porn and other ‘prisons’ that keep them isolated from authentic and loving relationships with women, friends and family, the Church, and society. Dan frequently speaks on love, sexuality, and vocation with youth and young adults at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights and around the Archdiocese. He is beyond excited to be ordained a priest in 3 years.
Dawn Fitzpatrick is Senior Coordinator for the Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity at the Archdiocese of Chicago where she manages the Respect Life Ministries and Chastity Education Initiative. She is the current President of the Board of Directors for the March for Life Chicago. In this role, she leads the planning committee for the March, which last year drew more than 9000 pro-lifers from all over the Midwest. She holds a Masters’ Degree in Communication and a graduate certificate in Theology, and is currently seeking certification in Theology of the Body from the Theology of the Body Institute. Dawn has been married for nearly 29 years, has two daughters and one granddaughter.