Smiling faces, singing and dancing, and LOTS of yellow LIFE balloons.
That’s just about all you could see and hear in the crowded streets of downtown Chicago on Sunday, January 15, 2017.
The temperature was a balmy 35 degrees (yes, that’s balmy this time of year for Chicago), and thousands pro-life people took the streets to be a part of the largest pro-life event in the Midwest: The 2017 March for Life Chicago.
For the second year in row, more than 4,000 people came out to participate in their furry hats, scarfs, and puffy coats. In just its 4th year running, 2017 was another great year for this Midwest March. People from Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Ohio, and across Illinois traveled to Chicago with one goal: to share a message of love, hope, and life.
This year’s theme: “Life Wins!” And on this Sunday afternoon, Life did win.
Lake County Sheriff, Mark Curran, emceed the event. Passionate and attentive, march participants also listened to speeches from:
Gianna Jessen – Abortion Survivor (bio)
Bishop Paul – Bishop, Chicago and the Midwest, Orthodox Church of America (bio)
Cardinal Blase J. Cupich – Archbishop, Archdiocese of Chicago (bio)
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison – President, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (bio)
Congressman Dan Lipinski – U.S. Congressman, 3rd District of IL (bio)
Congressman Peter Roskam – U.S. Congressman, 6th District of IL (bio)
Pat McCaskey – Co-Owner, Chicago Bears (bio)
Aid for Women Pregnancy Help Centers Client (info)
Randy Dziak – Student Leader, Students for Life of IL (info)
In his speech, Reverend Doctor Matthew Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, told the crowd,
“Let us love not with lips or tongues but in deed and truth.”
The newly appointed Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago said,
“Thank you for your beautiful witness on this day…You speak on behalf of those who have no voice because their voice is too small or too weak.”
He also humorously remarked,
“I was so cold last year, it was the warmth of you that kept me warm.”
Then, in the middle of the rally, was the keynote, Ms. Gianna Jessen, who told her powerful, personal story as a survivor of an abortion. She stated,
“I survived an abortion…. I was born in an abortion clinic, but didn’t die.”
She continued,
“If abortion is merely about women’s rights, then what were mine?”
Although the abortion has left her with physical disabilities, she proclaimed:
“I will be marching…limping gorgeously with you down the streets in Chicago! I am so proud of you for being so courageous for defending those who have no voice.”
At the close of the largest pro-life event in the Midwest, pro-lifers kicked off the end of the March with a celebration of life in the Federal Plaza. The Crusaders for Life never fail to get the crowd going with their dancing and cheering. This day was another day to remember for the pro-life movement throughout Illinois, the Midwest, and the nation.
Here’s a flashback at what happened at the 2017 March for Life Chicago (Photo Credit: Emily Troscinski/Illinois Right to Life):
How large was the March for Life Chicago crowd? Check it out a glimpse here (Video Credit: Emily Troscinski/Illinois Right to Life)
For information about how to get involved with the 2018 March for Life Chicago, email [email protected]. For more about March for Life Chicago visit www.MarchForLifeChicago.org.
About the March for Life Chicago
The March for Life Chicago is an annual public event composed of people from diverse ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds dedicated to defending and protecting all human life. The event marks with deep sadness the great tragedy of the legalization of abortion in the United States along with the devastating social, moral, and legal consequences that have followed. Marching together in hope, the March for Life Chicago planning committee works with government, religious, civic, and community leaders to renew every effort to build a nation that affirms the authentic dignity of women, the gift of children, and a culture dedicated to protecting life at every stage of development. Learn more at: www.MarchForLifeChicago.org.