According to reports, Planned Parenthood is launching a new “six figure ad campaign” to fight the senate confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Well, we expected no less. Their campaign is painted with lies, just like their entire business.
They push the falsehoods that abortion is a right, abortion is healthcare, and without this right to abortion women will suffer, be in danger, and die.
And it continues.
But what their campaign does reveal is this:
1. They know the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court would be a monumental blow to their business of abortion, because the possibility of restoring protection for unborn human life becomes real.
2. They’re on defense, but they’re ready to spend the big bucks to protect their cash cow: abortion.
3. It’s time for pro-lifers to respond…and to respond with TRUTH.
And that’s what we’re doing.
Last Saturday, I joined several other pro-life leaders and concerned citizens at the #Justice4Life Rally in downtown Chicago. This rally was one of many others being held in cities all over the country, that same day.
We sent a loud message to our state senators and those in other key states that pro-lifers everywhere support the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh and want him confirmed.
Illinois Representative Jeanne Ives, David Cordaro from Students for Life of America, Babette Holder of the Frederick Douglas Foundation of Illinois, and many others were there with me.
But during the rally, I wanted to make one point very clear: we are in a crisis of truth. You can watch my speech here (click below).
As I said: We as pro-lifers know the truth. We know that life is the best that we can give to our children. We know that women are capable and resilient and strong.
And most importantly, we know that Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion lobby is lying to this country. Abortion hurts women.
A vote against Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation is a vote to prolong the suffering of millions of women at the hand of the abortion industry, because he gets it. So we are going to do all we can to fight for his confirmation.
If you missed it, you can watch the entire rally right here.
Truth is on our side. No matter how entrenched our political leaders and politicians may be in the abortion lobby’s ideology, we should never stop speaking the truth and doing our best to make it heard.
Mary Kate Knorr, Executive Director, Illinois Right to Life