Pro-Life Advocates Unite to Rally in State Capitol Against Radical Abortion Legislation on March 20
Contact: Tom Ciesielka, 312.422.1333, [email protected]
(March 19, 2019 – Springfield, IL) Large crowds are expected in the Capitol Rotunda in Springfield, Illinois, on Wednesday, March 20, to voice opposition to proposed radical abortion bills. A 1:30 p.m. (Central) rally, hosted by Illinois Right to Life Action, Pro-Life Action League, and Illinois Family Institute, unites Illinoisans to denounce the Repeal of Parental Notification (HB 2467) and the Reproductive Health Act (HB 2495) that have been introduced in the Illinois General Assembly. Busloads of Illinois residents are traveling to Springfield from all parts of the state to oppose this extreme legislation and lobby for its defeat.
These bills would allow unregulated abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason, and would strip away all parental rights, along with any requirement of medical certification by staff or facility. If this legislation is enacted, Illinois would become a third-trimester abortion destination, and no abortion would be subject to state inspection. Since 2011, at least four abortion facilities have shut down because of failed state inspections.
Those scheduled to address the crowd include elected legislators, clergy, and pro-life activists.
WHAT: Rally to denounce extreme abortion bills, HB 2467 and HB 2495
WHEN: Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 1:30 p.m. (Central)
PRESS CONFERENCE: Begins at 1:30 p.m. in the Capitol Rotunda
WHO: Illinois Right to Life Action, Pro-Life Action League, Illinois Family Institute and busloads of Illinoisans from across the state
WHERE: Illinois State Capitol Rotunda, 401 S 2nd St, Springfield, IL 62701
• Illinois State Representative Terri Bryant, District 115
• Illinois State Representative Amy Grant, District 42
• Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Catholic Diocese of Springfield
• Nancy Kruezer, Silent No More (post-abortive mother)
• Belinda Guyton, Southside Pregnancy Center
• Rev. James Scudder, Jr., Quentin Road Bible Church
• Mary Kate Knorr, Illinois Right to Life Action
• Eric Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League
• Mary Kate Knorr, 815.768.9632
• Eric Scheidler, 773.251.8792
“There is widespread outcry from the people of Illinois against these extreme anti-women and anti-children bills since they were introduced a month ago,” shared Illinois Right to Life Action’s Mary Kate Knorr. “Residents from all corners of Illinois are expressing outrage at this proposed legislation, which disregards the health and safety of women. We intend to bring that outrage to Springfield, where legislators cannot ignore it.”
“As a father of six daughters, the Repeal of Parental Notification is about as personal as it gets for me,” said Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. “It is absolutely in my teenage daughters’ best interest for my wife and me to be involved in their healthcare decisions. I think I can speak for most parents when I say that with these proposed bills, Illinois is trampling on our parental rights.”
Read more about these extreme abortion bills here [http://illinoisrighttolife.org/stop-hb-2495-hb-2467/].