Contact: Regina D’Amico
October 11, 2018 – (CHICAGO) Illinois Right to Life responded on Thursday to the recent opening of a new abortion clinic in Skokie, Illinois. The new clinic is operated by Carafem, an abortion chain with clinics in Atlanta and outside of Washington D.C.
Carafem’s chief operating officer told the Chicago Tribune that the new Chicago area clinic was chosen due to Illinois’ less restrictive abortion laws and the prospect of drawing patients from out of state.
“This is just one more indicator that the legal situation in our state is dire,” said Mary Kate Knorr, executive director for Illinois Right to Life. “This is the second clinic to open this year alone, following Governor Bruce Rauner’s historic betrayal of pro-lifers in signing HB 40. Illinois’ lax abortion laws have made it the abortion ‘oasis’ of the Midwest and created an environment where clinics like this can thrive and literally capitalize on women from other states.”
In January of this year, House Bill 40 went into effect, requiring Illinois taxpayers to cover the cost of abortions for those on Medicaid and state employee health insurance, through the full nine months of pregnancy and for any reason. Soon after, Planned Parenthood opened a new abortion clinic in Flossmoor, Illinois.
In addition, the Illinois News Network reported a 274% increase in taxpayer funded abortions in Illinois, from January to June of this year. This is nearly four times more taxpayer funded abortions in the first six months of 2018 than in the previous year.
In 2016 alone, the Illinois Department of Public Health reported that 38,382 abortions had taken place in the state of Illinois. Among these abortions, 4,543 were performed on women from out of state, a significant increase of 1,333 abortions in comparison to the previous year.
In light of the recent configuration of the US Supreme Court, the abortion chain, according to the Chicago Tribune, is resolved to “normalize” and “destigmatize” abortion through advertising tactics and other means.
“No matter what type of fancy rhetoric you choose to use, you can never ‘normalize’ the systematic and brutal killing of unborn human beings, putting women’s health and safety at risk, and then capitalizing on all of this for profit,” said Knorr.
For more information, visit: http://illinoisrighttolife.org/the-abortion-issue-just-escalated/
Illinois Right to Life is a non-profit organization that educates on the beauty and value of all human life regardless of a person’s size, gender, race, age, or disability. We use a grassroots approach to build a culture of life in Illinois that welcomes and loves all human life from conception through natural death.