One of the elements of our executive director’s 3-pronged plan is “Education.” The past two weekends, Illinois Right to Life has been educating the youth on why it is so important to be outspokenly pro-life.
Two weeks ago, our communications assistant Savannah Dudzik spoke at a Crusaders for Life meeting about the importance of this year in the pro-life movement and what they can do to get involved.
The young people were very enthusiastic and excited to get involved!
This past weekend, our communications assistant again spoke to high schoolers! She spoke at the High School Pro-Life Conference hosted at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights.
At this conference Savannah talked about her experiences in the pro-life movement. In particular, she mentioned the stories of a few women she had talked to who had chosen life, and how Project Love, a program of Illinois Right to Life, helps women to choose life.
The students were again very responsive, and a few of them even told Savannah that they loved the emails they had gotten from Illinois Right to Life the week before!
This is the pro-life generation, and Illinois Right to Life is doing our part to equip students and young people to protect and defend life!