We have some good news.
Our legislators in the Illinois General Assembly will be on Spring break for the next two weeks. But before they left last Friday, SB 1594 was sent to the Senate committee on Assignments.
SB 1594 is the Senate version of the bill that would repeal the Illinois Parental Notification of Abortion law. It was headed toward a vote, but now it’s been stalled.
HB 2467 (the House version of SB 1594) and HB 2495 (the Reproductive Health Act – which would, among other things, legalize abortion up to the moment of birth for any reason) have been sent to the House Rules committee.
SB 1942 (the Senate version of the Reproductive Health Act) is also in the Senate committee on Assignments.
This is good!
Thank you for calling and emailing your legislators about these bills. Illinois pro-lifers came together in a strong, united effort that did not go unnoticed.
But don’t be fooled…
It’s not over.
Once our legislators come back, we need to get back to work.
Abortion advocates are working hard to get these bills moving again, and leadership can still call these bills back at any time.
There’s a saying among those of us who work in our State Capitol:
“A bill is never dead in the Illinois General Assembly.”
Once our legislators come back, we’ll be sure to keep you up to date on if and where these extreme abortion bills are moving. Please keep a close eye on emails from us (and join our email list if you haven’t).
You can also find more information and updates about these dangerous and extreme abortion bills at StopHB2495.com.
We need to be ready for anything.
Thank you for your dedication in the fight to save Illinois babies.
– A note from Illinois Right to Life Action’s Legislative Chairman, Ralph Rivera