Every Pregnant Woman Deserves a Celebration

Last week, Heartbeat International, a worldwide network of thousands of pregnancy resource centers, reported that a pregnancy center in Effingham, Illinois has added a new component to its program:

“baby shower-style workshops that educate and celebrate clients through each trimester of pregnancy.”

How great is that!

It couldn’t be more true:

Every mother and every unborn baby, deserves a celebration.

We can’t help but wonder —

If only we could celebrate with every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy….

If only every one of these women knew how beautiful, how unique, and how human her unborn child was….

Perhaps, abortion would become unthinkable?

That’s what we strive for every day at Illinois Right to Life, through our educational programs, our outreach, and our ministry:

To educate on the beauty and value of all human life regardless of a person’s size, gender, race, age, or disability.

So in the spirit of celebration and to share with you some incredible facts, I invite you to scroll down and join me on the beautiful journey of an unborn baby.

Learn about every stage, every milestone, and all the beautiful things he or she is learning and can do, even inside the womb.


And then, share it with your friends. Enjoy!

The First Nine Months of Pregnancy