A story of so many of the difficulties of our world: child molestation, teen rape, repeated abortions, drugs, eating disorders- you name it. Kelly Lester’s story is one of experiencing the unimaginable in her life and ultimately finding her way home to God.
Now a wife and mother of six children, Kelly shares her story with Dr. Steve Jacobs on our latest Life Chat episode.
She explains how she got her first abortion when she was 15 at the pressure of her family members. “That day was a marked point in my life when I went from doubting certain things, to knowing: I knew that when I left that clinic, God couldn’t love me anymore.”
The next few years were a chaotic mess of drugs and sex that led to Kelly dropping out of high school. The next chapter of Kelly’s story begins when she decided she wanted to change her lifestyle by working at the same abortion clinic where her own baby’s life had ended.
Listen to Kelly’s first Life Chat episode here to hear this heart-wrenching story that couldn’t have had a better ending. Not only did Kelly get out of working in the abortion industry, now she is a dynamic speaker for And Then There Were None- Abby Johnson’s ministry to help get women out of the abortion industry- and shares her story across the United States.
Listen to the podcast episode here!