Our state is in financial peril. So you would think our legislators would be in Springfield fixing the budget crisis.
Instead, the pro-abortion legislators are busy looking to spend more taxpayer money.
Right now, the Illinois General Assembly is considering House Bill 4013. This bill will make each Illinoisan pay for abortions through the full nine months of pregnancy for any reason for those on Medicaid. This means free Medicaid abortions. No restrictions.
We’re projecting this bill will increase Illinois abortions as many as 12,000 more per year. That’s on top of the already 38,000+ abortions per year. The ACLU admitted that 18-35% of those on Medicaid state they will not have an abortion unless it is free.
Further, according to ADF law firm, Planned Parenthood is currently under investigation for an alleged 500k false or ineligible Medicaid claims. And now we’re going to give them more access to Medicaid funds? This is outrageous.
Planned Parenthood is behind this one. They’re still reeling from losing the election so badly after spending $30 million to elect pro-abortion candidates. We need to say no to their desperate attempt to force you and me to pay for Illinois abortions.
We need you to call your state legislator right now and respectfully tell them to vote NO on HB 4013. The General Assembly is back in session today meaning the vote could happen any moment. The bill is prepped and ready for a vote on the floor. Click here to find your state representative’s phone number and immediately call the 217 Springfield office number.
We have to act right now to stop an estimated 12,000 additional abortions per year – and that’s not an exaggeration. The last time Illinoisans paid for unrestricted Medicaid funded abortions was in the late ’70s. Approximately 12,738 abortions were paid for at a cost of $1.8 million.
House Bill 4013 would undo a decades-old ban on taxpayer funding of abortion costing us thousands of lives a year. Call your legislator right now.