Now that the 101st General Assembly has begun, are any pro-life bills being proposed in Illinois?
You bet!
So far, two pro-life bills have been proposed, and by two new legislators:
House Bill 340:
Introduced by Rep. Patrick Windorst (118th District)
This bill repeals what HB 40 made into law. HB 40 forces all Illinois taxpayers to pay for abortions for those on Medicaid and state employee health insurance, through the full nine months of pregnancy.
Synopsis As Introduced
House Bill 340 “amends the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971, the Illinois Public Aid Code, the Problem Pregnancy Health Services and Care Act, and the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975. Restores the provisions that were amended by Public Act 100-538 to the form in which they existed before their amendment by Public Act 100-538.”
House Bill 342:
Introduced by Rep. Darren Bailey (109th District)
This bill places regulations on administering immunizations that use aborted fetal tissue.
Synopsis As Introduced
House Bill 342 “amends the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Public Health to create and maintain a list of each immunizing agent derived from aborted fetal tissue and any alternative immunizing agents. Provides that the Department shall ensure that, before administering an immunizing agent derived from aborted fetal tissue to an individual, a health care provider shall provide to the individual or, if the individual is a child, to the parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis of the child: (1) notification that the immunizing agent was derived from aborted fetal tissue; (2) if an immunizing agent that is not an immunizing agent derived from aborted fetal tissue is available as an alternative to an immunizing agent derived from aborted fetal tissue, an offer of the alternative; and (3) notification of the option to decline the receipt of the immunizing agent. Effective immediately.”
Let us be frank: it is a bear to pass pro-life legislation right now – but it hasn’t always been that way, and it certainly won’t stay that way. Even if legislation isn’t passed, it is an extremely powerful educational tool to teach political leaders, the media, and voters on the life issues.
The pro-life movement is like the energizer bunny… we will not tire as we work to turn Illinois pro-life. Too much is riding on it, so bring on the challenge!
To read more about these bills look up the bill number on the Illinois General Assembly website here.