
Does an unborn baby feel pain? If so…when?

Does a baby in the womb feel pain? In an abortion, can the unborn child feel the pain of being dismembered? In May of 2013, Dr. Maureen Condic, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah, … Continue reading

4 Things to Know about Stem Cell Research

Unless you are the self-proclaimed science nerd of your friend and family circle, most people don’t quite understand stem cell research and the ethical issues surrounding it. If you try to learn more from Google, you will likely be bombarded … Continue reading

Are You In?

On Wednesday, March 1st, 40 Days for Life will kick of its 2017 Spring Campaign. Participants are getting geared up and ready to go for what’s going to be campaign number TWENTY! And it’s going to be big – in size and impact. People … Continue reading

The 6 Most Shocking Things about HB 40

You’ll never believe what our state representatives are trying to push into law. The legislation is ready to be called for vote in the House, at any time. The bill is HB 40, and if we don’t act now, it … Continue reading

A Reflection on my First March for Life

Shaking and shivering a bit, I struggled to keep my balance. “You okay up there?” My friend’s voice trembled a little… probably because I was sitting on top of his shoulders, fidgeting and grappling with my camera. I needed to … Continue reading