52 to 48, the U.S. Senate voted on October 26th to confirm Amy Coney Barrett, a vibrantly pro-life mother of seven, to the Supreme Court. This confirmation pushes a rightward shift in the balance of power of the federal judiciary. When President Donald Trump picked Barrett as his nominee to replace radical leftist Ruth Bader Ginsberg last month, tensions in the political parties ran high.
Here was a powerful, beautiful woman who had climbed to the top in both her academia and her motherhood. Barrett graduated first in her class from Notre Dame, taught there for years, and was a member of Notre Dame’s Faculty for Life. As Former Justice Ginsburg was known for saying, “Women belong in all places where decisions are made.” Ironically however, the left doesn’t believe the same is true for Amy Coney Barrett. When asked why, many respond that it’s her religion and pro-life values that they don’t like.
Many women, however, recognize the major victory this is for women around the world. For Barrett, her children didn’t keep her from success, but rather stood by while she was nominated to the highest court in the land. Her husband didn’t suffocate her and deny her this opportunity, but rather was by her side while she accepted this extreme honor and smiled with her and supported her through it all.
Former Planned Parenthood Director and now pro-life activist Abby Johnson proclaimed this victory for true women’s rights in her statement, “I’m going to remember this day when Amy Coney Barrett, an accomplished woman in her own right, achieved the pinnacle of her profession while raising a family, embracing her role as a wife, and demonstrating that it’s all possible without abortion. Her confirmation hearings were a testament alone to her astute legal mind, her compassion for others, and ability to fulfill her role as the next Supreme Court Justice.”
With this extremely hopeful confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade is even more prominently at the forefront of many American’s minds. If Roe v. Wade is overturned in our country, abortion will not be completely illegal, but it will be an incredible win for our nation and the future of our nation, and one that a few years ago few people would have imagined possible.