Fierce Mercy: Those two words together might seem ironic. If you think about it, fierce doesn’t seem to be a good adjective to describe mercy, does it? Well, Abby Johnson disagrees.
Our executive director Amy Gehrke interviewed Abby Johnson on Life Chat this past week to learn more about her book that will be released soon: Fierce Mercy.
Fierce Mercy is set to be released in early March, so this Life Chat episode gives you a sneak peak at what’s to come.
Abby Johnson, now an avid pro-life advocate, was formerly the successful director of a large Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. Her story was made famous by the book, Unplanned, and later by the movie of the same name.
Johnson went on to found And Then There Were None (ATTWN), a ministry that helps abortion clinic workers leave the abortion industry. ATTWN is now just one facet of the larger Pro-Love Ministries which also includes the Pro-Life Women’s Conference held each summer.
Many know the jist of Abby Johnson’s story, but how many have been able to actually get an inside scoop on why Abby Johnson does what she does?
In this book, Johnson brings you with her as she watches the team film Unplanned, the movie based on her life. She discusses the struggles of starting ATTWN and the difficult challenge of encountering pro-lifers who didn’t agree with her mission, who didn’t believe that abortion workers actually could be saved.
Listen to Abby Johnson: Fierce Mercy our latest Life Chat episode, to learn more! If you appreciate what we do here at Illinois Right to Life, please consider giving a donation here.