Kanye West
Kanye West is one of the most widely known celebrities in America, and he keeps coming out with more statements about how pro-life he is. This musician icon married to Reality TV star Kim Kardashian announced his plans to run for president this summer, and since then he has been more outspoken than ever.
Just recently, Kanye spoke on Nick Cannon’s podcast, “Cannon’s Class,” and the Federalist reports that he said that God wants him to speak for unborn babies. He explained that abortion is a “black genocide” being used to destroy African Americans. “Over 1,000 black babies are aborted every day, so that means we are inside of it as we speak. We are inside a genocide …” he mourns.
In another instance, Kanye broke down in tears while admitting to fans that he and his wife almost aborted their oldest daughter. It was only a sign from God that saved her. He says, while in the mist of tears, that the “world’s crazy” for allowing that to even be an option, and we can’t let abortion be thinkable in our country.
He then explains that he, also, was almost aborted, “My Mom saved my life. My Dad wanted to abort me,” West said. “My mom saved my life. There would have been no Kanye West because my dad was too busy.” His dad didn’t want a child because he thought they didn’t have time for one, but his mother stuck up for Kanye and saved his life. God is using him as a voice for all the black babies and for all babies everywhere, he explains, and it is his duty to speak out for them against this injustice killing so many every day.
Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton is an American actress known for her starring role in the CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond. She is also a chairman of Feminists for Life. In an interview with Bill O’Reilly on the O’Reilly show, she explained her pro-life stance.
“I’m a chairman of Feminists for Life, and so I think that, because of that, we have an interesting stand that most people don’t — haven’t heard before, which is being pro-life can be a feminist issue. The early feminists were pro-life. And really abortion is a huge disservice to women, and it hasn’t been presented that way… there’s a sort of an in for me because of that take on it.”
She explained that she is an advocate for women, and something that goes along with that is being pro-life. She goes on to say that Feminists for Life does a lot to help women, “As… Feminists for Life — what we’re trying to do is support women, and so what we want to do is to… reach women on campus — college campuses so that, when they get pregnant, they can find housing. They can find money they need to stay in school.”
Feminists for Life believe that women deserve better than abortion, and Patricia Heaton assures O’Reilly that they will do all in their power to help women, empower women to keep their children, and not leave them on their own to kill their children and then live with regret for the rest of their lives.
Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Bocelli has always been known to be anti-abortion, but he has clarified that not only is he anti-abortion, he is fully and completely pro-life. With the release of the popular video explaining how his mother chose not to abort him, Bocelli told the Italian newspaper Il Fogilo, “Because of my personal convictions as a devout Catholic, I am not only fighting against something, I am fighting for something – and I am for life.”
He elaborated on the video, saying, “[I want it] to help comfort those who are in difficult situations and who sometimes just need to feel that they are not alone. Life is hard, but we need to listen, we need to open our ears.”
Celine Dion
Celine Dion is a star singer and was also her parents’ fourteenth child. Her mother was extremely overwhelmed that she was going to be having another child, and initially wanted to abort Celine.
However, after talking to a priest, Celine’s mother was convinced that she needed to keep this child. Celine says about this: “He told her that she had no right to go against nature.” She identified that in a way she owes her life to that priest, and wants to do more to make people aware that abortion is a real thing that harms and kills people in our society.
Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson is a major American filmmaker and actor who starred in many popular movies, including probably his most famous, Braveheart. He openly expresses his many Christian and pro-life views, including this famous quote from him about how abortion is wrong:
“God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can’t decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn’t. That decision doesn’t belong to us.”
Justin Bieber
Pop star Justin Bieber has mentioned at several points in his career the fact that he is pro-life. In an issue of Rolling Stone, he reveals that he is pro-life.
“I really don’t believe in abortion…It’s like killing a baby.” When the reporters go further to question him on what he thinks in cases of rape, he still defends his position saying, “Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.” Bieber was raised in a Christian home, and it is clear that his mother and family helped to instill the urge to protect life inside of Bieber when he was young.
Kenny Chesney
Country music star Kenny Chesney has been known to be pro-life because of his powerful song, “There goes my Life.” Just looking at the title, one might think that this is a pro-choice song actually talking about a girlfriend getting pregnant, and a boy’s life ruined. It is, in fact, the other way around.
“There goes my Life” is a song about a teenage boy whose life changes because of an unexpected pregnancy. It was actually written by Wendy Moblier and Neil Thrasher, and Moblier had been in a situation earlier in his life when he had to choose whether or not to let his baby live. He talks about a daughter he had been a father to when he was still in high school. “My daughter’s name was Lexi,” explains Mobiler. “We lost her when she was about a year old. Her birthday is March 17.”
The music video is quite powerful, and speaks to the beauty of life. Kenny Chesney was proud to record this song and show fans around the world that it is possible to choose life for your child, even when you can never imagine how it would work.